Piano Lessons

Monika Schute Klavierunterricht


I teach students of all ages with real commitment. By means of various methods, such as the Alexander Technique, I aim to convey the joy of making music in a relaxed way and to comprehend the potential of the students, to awaken creative processes as well as the desire for improvisation.

  • Level: beginners and advanced students
  • Style: Classical, Improvisation, Jazz
  • Teaching languages: German, English, French, Italian
  • Experience in preparation of exams/concerts
  • Instrument: Steinway Grand Piano
  • Location: Studio in Allschwil
  • Prices on request. You can reach me on 077 459 36 23  or use the contact form


How to find me

More information

  • Lessons in Allschwil
  • Parking available
  • Large room with 2 instruments. Distance is assured for the lessons (Covid)


  • Sophie P. "Klavierspiel ist für mich eine tolle Sache geworden, wo ich eine Pause vom Stress nehmen kann und mal an nichts denken kann, ausser an was ich spiele."
  • Sabrina V. "You have influenced my love of music and taught me that it is okay to be outwardly exited about what I play and hear. .."
  • Jonah M.  ""Piano lessons are allways the best hit of my day…"
  • Danae S.. "Thank you for teaching me how to appreciate and cherish the music I play…"
  • Kazutora H: "I will continue playing the piano, remembering your advice, for the rest of my life."
  • Evan A: "I am very thankful to have you as a piano teacher. I can"t wait to learn more from you next year !"
  • Manuel S : "Ihr Unterricht hat mich darin bestärkt, dass ich weiter Klavier spielen sollte."
  • Louis M: "It was really fortunate to have such a wonderful piano teacher."
  • Mark S: "Thank you so much for your expert teaching."
  • Adrien et Alice T: "Nous nous sommes "terriblement" amusés pendant nos leçons de piano."
  • Minnie M : "You are a terrific piano teacher !"